19 Day
02 month
25 Year

UPDATE: Applications Are Closing On May, 31st, 2018

“Who else want’s Benson to add $400,000 to your companies bottom line GUARANTEED from 2 days?…”

Continue reading to discover how this is possible…

“Finally, Have Benson Craft A Digital Growth Strategy That Will Dramatically Increase Your Sales, Clients, And Profitability?”

“If That’s You… He Will PERSONALLY Work With You One-On-One In Your Business To Do Just That On One Call!”

The most profitable two days you might ever invest in your business. This is a solid Two-Day Exospheric Growth Meeting with Benson, where he will deep dive into your current company’s digital strategy and marketing and focus on the full optimization or be adding 2-3 or more proven strategies that you can execute to maximize growth and he’ll even guarantee the first $400,000 minimum you’ll generate in gross revenue if implemented.


There Are Only 4 New Exclusive Companies Allowed In 2017 For The Exospheric Growth Meeting (Normally Fills Up Through Existing Relationships & Referrals) – If This Page Is Online Right Now, Then A Few Spots Have Opened Up For A Select Few Companies That Qualify…

From The Desk Of Benson Sung

Dear Fellow Entrepreneurs,

Once a year, Benson sets aside a limited number of Two-Day Exospheric Growth Meetings to potentially work privately with entrepreneurs, founders and CEO’s like you who want to truly unleash the potential of their business & digital strategy. Normally he is booked for months in advance (see above for status)

This Exospheric Growth Meeting is for Benson to use his ability to masterfully create an integrative process that is where everything you now do online advances, enhances a big outcome, a strategic plan that is purposely and predictably designed to out-perform, to out-impact, to out-contribute, to out-differentiate all of your competition, but it’s very integrative.

First, let’s save some of you the time right now and establish…

Benson’s “8 Point Private Client Criteria” carefully, and determine if you’re the “right person” to move forward or not…

If you or your team are NOT used to executing fast – DO NOT APPLY.

You MUST have forward momentum already, preferably doing seven (minimum) or eight figures or more in annual revenue.

You MUST have an existing list of prospects.

You MUST have the ability or infrastructure to support a large increase in sales volume.

You MUST have good products/services with a good reputation among them.

You MUST be willing to invest in additional paid media & advertising.

You MUST have an existing base of happy clients.

You MUST execute the personalized strategies we set out during the two day meeting

Now, Benson would like to share with you the fundamentals/principles of what he’s discovered and distilled down into his Digital Growth Strategy Of Exospherence™ along with the 9 Core Pillars of an Exospheric Business™.

You’ll want to remember those two proprietary and unique digital growth strategic systems because they are what he’s created and is responsible for Multi-millions of dollars in bottom line growth for not just his companies but private partners and clients around the globe.

It’ll mean a lot to him but it’ll mean a lot more to you and your business as you’ll soon see.

At the very least, he thinks you should review and examine the different ways he thinks about digital marketing performance and see how many… if any of his 9 Core Pillars of an Exospheric Business™ are even being recognized let alone maximized in your company right now or whomever you’re using as your digital marketing person(s) to grow your business online.

If what he shares with you below rocks your boat and animates your sense of how much MORE really is possible for your business

Here is the current stage of most business that are growing online…

5) Exospheric Business – 8 or 9 Pillars (1-3%)

Select Fortune 500 Companies – Usually $100+ MM to $1+ B Companies – Well Systemized & Dialed In

5 1-3

4) Scale – 6 or 7 Pillars (4-7%)

Solid $50 to $100+ Million In Annual Revenue

4 4-7

3) Growth – 4 or 5 Pillars (8-12%)

$10 to $100 Million Annual Revenue

3 8-12

2) Operating – 2 or 3 Pillars (13-20%)

$1 MM to $10+ MM (difference is that it’s systemized and dialed in)

2 13-20

1) Struggle & Survival – 1 or 2 pillars (75-80%)

Under $100K to $3 MM Annual Revenue

1 75-80

“Ask yourself: Where are you on this scale? Are you at level 5?… 4?… 3?… 2? or maybe even 1?”

From my years of experience, I’ve only personally gone deep with a handful of companies that are all the way at the top and these are all $100+ MM (one at $72 MM) to Billion dollar enterprises.

Each pillar is an asset that keeps on adding more revenue, growth, and profits. The more solid your business will be online. It’s the gift that keeps on giving the more you optimize, adapt, evolve and personalize it for your business the more it exponentially provides for you and your business. There are even 3 different tiers for each pillar that determine how solid each one is.

Out of thousands of companies, I’ve spoken with from small to large enterprises and a handful of Fortune companies they all have missing puzzle pieces in their digital strategy and are pigeonholing themselves…

I know from practical experience because even in the most competitive industries I am able to establish my private client’s companies as the leader in their exclusive application or category and find a unique advantage, and I’ve done the same for very select few companies.

Sure, I’m not competing with billion dollar corporations most of the time, but I do compete in one of the most competitive industries there is… digital marketing. Just think about it…I am competing with people like myself but I am in a very different positioning as you’ve discovered so far and will continue to see.

To be an Exospheric Business is not easy and requires a lot of strategies, resources, hard work, years of effort and LOT of other variables… but it is possible.

“To reach the pinnacle and becoming an Exospheric Business, these are 9 core pillars and in my lifetime thus far as I’ve mentioned before, there are very few companies in the world that have this and are benefiting from each as you read this.

Here are the 9 Core Pillars of an Exospheric Business™.”

Influencial Indoctrination
Multitudinous Cycles
Exospheric Sales Funnel Architecure + Design
Dynamic Conversion Systemization
Omnipresence Overpass
Profit Conversion Maximization
Progressive Analytical Systems
Universal Integrative Structure
The Digital Growth Strategy Of Exospherence™

Each of these pillars are the foundation for a business to grow online and be the top company in their industry.

“Ask yourself: How many of the pillars above do you actually have in your business right now as you’re reading this?”


Have you found a systematic way to effectively influence your target audience by indoctrinating them to create the mindsets, beliefs, and conditions they need to adopt as they enter the world about your brand, product or service so that you build a loyal relationship with the results and transformation they go through?


Do you have a system in place to indoctrinate your target audience as they go through the multitudinous cycles before they “consider” connecting, cultivating, extending any buying relationship with you? All the way through multiple different mediums, channels, alternatives, competitors, advertising at different times?


Do you have the architecture of the different progressions your target audience flows from – the multiple pathways, pieces, conversions, cultivations that an individual within your 5 types of target audience travels in and goes through throughout their lifetime as your trusted client?


Does your entire digital marketing system personalizes and streamlines your communication with your target audience individually based on their complexity, stage of decision-making, behaviors, interests, and actions they take automatically and connect, cultivates, convert, and ascend them?


Does your digital marketing system currently tap into the omnipresence overpasses that your target audience uses right now for communication? The ads, messaging on multiple different platforms, channels, mediums to connect, indoctrinate, cultivate, convert and extend the relationship with your 5 different target audience sources?


Are you increasing the profit conversion across the core steps and maximizing your business’s ability to generate the most optimal amount and add the most value while gaining consistent profits as your target audience progresses the relationships with you?


Do you have a complete 360-degree view of the main progressive analytical systems and decision-making dashboard to make smart decision about your digital marketing? Seeing each client through each overpass, ad, platform, vertical, and channel and conversion rate of that specific audience criteria and timeframes just to start?


Are you connecting all the core pieces of your marketing together with your long-term strategic plans? The strategic side and the technical side. On the technical side you want to make sure that every single page, link, tracking, conversion, trigger, and everything works so make sure you run demo’s and test’s immediately once you’ve turned something on before driving anything to it?


How is everything you are doing online advancing, progressing or accelerating you to your milestone and ultimate strategic goal?


This is my own digital growth strategy that is personalized for a specific business and has the critical thinking with milestones, strategies, and tactics that position a company and ties all the 9 core pillars together as a strong foundation.

“This is not some quick and easy 7 figure digital marketing or advertising campaign that you just put together and then success happens overnight that’s some business opportunity scheme that marketers designed to sell and influence the masses…”

I’m talking about real timeless digital growth principles that real businesses have used and continue to use and build their business…

I’m talking about leveraging powerful strategies that over the years established companies as the leader in their space and dominate their direct and indirect competition…

I’m going to be sharing with you the secrets that I’ve discovered from my private behind the scenes boardroom discussions with multimillion dollar companies on how they grow their businesses online…

I don’t tease or use it as anything but transference of timeless and priceless principles that you’re welcome to use yourself if you choose not to engage with me or you can have your own digital marketing team or agency implement for you

It’s about the ability to see implications, correlations, and connections so that you understand that everything has a positive or negative outcome.

It’s about being able to break apart all the leverage or impact points that exist in the business online revenue-generation and being able to critically evaluate performances, breakdowns, and breakthroughs.

It’s about being able to objectively and honestly look at your current way of doing things with a constructively critical eye to see where you’re weak and where you’re strong.It’s about realizing that all things don’t perform equally. What do I mean? Brief example is one ad or one medium might produce a certain profit upfront, but that kind of a buyer might be more or less inclined to buy a lot of other things for a lot longer or lesser time or vice versa.

One online sales channel might be better at selling certain products to certain markets or certain situations at specific timings but don’t perform well when you have them sell to a different segment.

And it’s about really masterfully understanding all the dynamics that are positively and negatively impacting where you are today and then realizing where you’re trying to get to, and why you’re trying to get there, and how you’re going to from a strategic marketing perspective.

Most companies and founders today are reactive, episodic, and lack clarity and direction on how to grow their business. Most companies are elongated and drawn out promotions (they are NOT businesses) that will eventually become obsolete due to failure of building a strategically strong foundation.

And it’s of no fault of their own but that they don’t know any better. They are building their business and digital marketing by looking through a small hole in the wall and “believing” that’s the whole picture.

Here’s what you can expect for
the first 2 steps with him:

The first thing Benson will do with you is figure out what you’re trying to accomplish for the company. What’s the meaning of your business like? Do we even know? Do we need to establish it, or do we need to expand it, adjust it, replace it, or articulate it better?

Once we’ve clarified what you’re trying to accomplish and why. Benson will help you reconcile where accomplishing that in your current competitive environment with the current strategy and business model, the marketing approach, the performance, and dynamic metrics you’re yielding is going to get you there or not.

He’ll then need to look at what you think the problem or challenges are and how to resourcefully solve them.

Then he’ll ask how you’re going to achieve it better with the resources we’ve already got in play, people, money, media, messaging, or vehicles. It’s different for different businesses.

Benson is greatly troubled by any expert or purported expert who believes that one size fits all, because he doesn’t believe that.

He believes every business is different and that there are generalities, but they don’t notice the intricacies and details of the business like the relationships, timing, audiences, lists, platform, sophistication, messaging and other core things that make the most difference.

Here’s an easier example, it’s like saying, “Here’s a color palette, and here are four universal colors: blue, red, green, orange.” How you weave them together in the fabric of your strategic marketing plan, your competitive positioning, your value proposition, your preemptive position, your risk reversal, your accessing the market, that could differ monumentally from business to business and even from market sub-segment to market sub-segment.

Then Benson will review your current sales and marketing strategy, your conversions, mapping out your cross sales, your up-sells, your back-end sequences, and your new- customer acquisition campaigns for you.

To be frank, many people (perhaps you) don’t have time to go through a one-size-fits-all “program” to identify the specific strategies and tactics that will catapult your business forward.

You might have an immediate opportunity you need to tap into — now.

If this describes you and you wish Benson would just detail the complete road map for your business… telling you exactly what to do (and when) — today there’s good news for you.

Unlike the hundreds of thousands of dollars that Benson’s private clients have paid for ongoing work, this advisory-only consultation is designed to quickly and economically give you the exact steps to take so you can move forward with a well-defined plan — then execute on your own.

If you’d like to claim the limited spots for a consultation — click through now to book your appointment at the Two-Day Exospheric Growth Meeting client rate of $40,000.

But Ultimately, This Costs You Nothing And Here’s Why…

Benson is all about results and he’s confident that if you are the right fit based on your application then you will experience growth in your business but it’s highly dependent on your execution of the personalized strategies he teaches you.

Benson will take 100% of the risk away from you and then some more so that he has all the risks. You might be asking yourself: “why would he do that?”

It’s part of Benson’s reputation for him and his companies to be preeminent in the marketplace. He’s the only digital growth strategist that does a 200K guarantee in the world… (maybe that’s why he’s regarded as the highest paid and leading digital growth strategist)

Here’s how his personal guarantee will work…

He guarantees that you will generate in a minimum gross revenue gain of $200,000 based on what we cover for your business so 5 times what you will be investing today with him.

If that doesn’t happen either through lowering CPA, Higher AOV, Longer LTV within a certain set time frame then he will refund your $40K payment AND jump on a 2nd call with you to diagnose what you implemented and the results of this and go over the good/bad and next steps you should take.

So with that said, you are literally guaranteed to profit.

Now Discover, Who This Is INTENDED For…

Leveraging The Leading Expert

You are a Savvy entrepreneur that works on your business and understand that instead of trying to do everything yourself, it’s much smarter to hire a team of experts that has proven results to help you reach the next level…

Long Term Focus

You are laser focused, dedicated, and passionate about your business and know that an investment of time is the minimum needed to grow your business and you have plans in place to grow long-term…

Investing In You & Your Business

You are a serious entrepreneur that understands how important it is to invest in yourself and your business – you know that if you truly want to GROW a business you need to invest $$$…


You believe that connections and relationships with “like-minded” and fellow entrepreneurs is a MUST for yourself and your business to grow – all the ideas, support, and the results that can be achieved are extraordinary…

You Want Clarity Direction & Certainty For Your Business Growth

You Want Clarity Direction & Certainty For Your Business Growth online and you want results and knowing that the money you’re investing into your business and with me will have an impact on your businesses success online. You want to see an roi of 2X, 5x or 10X what you’re investing with me today.

Masterful Thinking Partner & Critical Questions

Masterful Thinking Partner & Critical Questions – you want to someone that will stimulate your mind and ask you questions that will allow you to see under valued possibilites and over looked opportunities and connections in your business that you never thought of before

Experts On Benson Sung

Entrepreneurs a Brief List of a Few Private Partners & Clients Who Are Experiencing Exponential Growth in Their Business…

The key with a successful sales funnel isn’t just the design, copy, traffic, or automation but it’s the strategy. That’s actually one of the most important parts, if you don’t have the right strategy, it won’t work well at all. That’s why Benson does a TON of my strategy.

Neil Patel

Quick Sprout, Crazy Egg, and Hello Bar

There are 3 qualities that I think makes Benson unique. First is Benson’s understanding of strategies. Second, he’s results focused, he focuses on bringing you real results and adding value to your business. Third is Integrity. I believe those 3 world class qualities are what makes him different.

Dan Lok

Multi-Millionaire Serial Entrepreneur

Now That We Have Established The Type Of Entrepreneurs That I Work With – Let Me Tell You What You Are Getting, So You Know It’s Right For You…

Why I’m Making This Opportunity Available To You Right Now…

As much as I like working with clients privately and seeing them write me a cheque for $25,000 to $100,000 + % of upside revenue I help them generate or the results…

Taking small to mid-size companies to the next level is great, but helping these are as well but what I’m able to create for these big companies is even more breakthrough:

Taking small to mid-size companies to the next level is great, but helping these are as well but what I’m able to create for these big companies is even more breakthrough:

But… the Fortune companies don’t allow me to show you their detailed data and analytics and what I’ve done for them because in order to work with large enterprises you they have me sign 100 page Non-Disclosures & Confidentiality agreement as it’s standard practice for them.

The most they can provide is testimonials like these for me…

On the other side, there are many entrepreneurs that reach out to me that might not have the massive financial resources to invest in their business and write me a BIG cheque…

They are great people, just like you, that are passionate about their business, want to make things happen, but for whatever reason can’t figure it out on their own and might be just one step away from a business breakthrough…

Originally my time is very limited so my priorities are as follows:

#1 My Group Of Private Companies & Investments – Most of my time, energy and mental capacity are prioritized between my own group of companies and partners from my multi-million dollar partnerships

#2 Now for my private consulting I only work with entrepreneurs/companies privately as my clients that are doing at least $1,000,000 In Annual Revenue (Ideally $5 MM to $100,000,000+ MM)…

Most companies and founders today are reactive, episodic, and lack clarity and direction on how to grow their business. Most companies are elongated and drawn out promvotions (they are NOT businesses) that will eventually become obsolete due to failure of building a strategically strong foundation.

And it’s of no fault of their own but that they don’t know any better. They are building their business and digital marketing by looking through a small hole in the wall and “believing” that’s the whole picture.

From Benson’s experience, almost every company underperforms on some or core areas and either they over perform in one, or they’re spread across several points of impact and under deliver across the board.

Benson is generally brought in for one of two reasons. Either the owner, the company, the board of directors is not producing the outcome they want, there is eminent breakdown or they feel intuitively or observationally that there is a factor that’s causing the business to underperform; or they are already performing at optimal levels and want add 1, 2, 3 or more breakthrough maximizer into the business to strengthen the business foundation and grow further.

“The Value Of The Two-Day Exospheric Growth Meeting Is Literally Priceless…”

Now, keep in mind, entrepreneurs and companies are more than happy to write me a cheque for $25,000 – $100,000 + % of upside gross revenue just to build out the 9 Exospheric Pillars into their business…

Before you apply, know that we are only looking to work with serious entrepreneurs that want to take their business to the next level and understand that an investment of money is necessary for them to grow their business…

I have yet to meet a single person who regretted investing in their business this way…

Smart businessmen/women ask themselves critical questions at times like these to assess whether they are making good decisions or not and so should you…

“Ask Yourself: What’s Your Opportunity Cost of Not Having The 9 Pillars Of An Exospheric Business?…”

You’ve read up to this point, so you should know by now whether this is for you or not, and if so then I want you to seriously consider what this means for you and your business…

You don’t even have to look too far in the future to figure this out. Let’s both go through 3 important questions together right now…

Do you have the 9 Pillars that PREDICTABLY And SYSTEMATICALLY converts people & traffic into more sales, clients, and profits?…

What is it costing you right now every month for not having everything from your traffic to funnel dialed in?…

How much money and opportunities are you losing out on right now? (That you may or may not be aware of)…

Think about how much time… stress… energy… and business relationships you’ve lost already…

If your business is not where it needs to be… where you truly desire it to be, and you know it deserves to be an even more successful business then…

Don’t waste any more of your precious and valuable money, time, and energy by letting this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity pass you by again…

While many entrepreneurs are still trying to figure it out on their own you might just be one step away from having the business breakthrough that you need…

So… After Everything We’ve Talked About, If You Are Interested In Us Working Together Then before you apply, let me tell you the current situation… so you know it’s right for you

STEP 1 – Qualification Process

First things first…

You’ll see a brief series of questions you’ll need to answer about your business.

Nothing too crazy, I just need the basics about what you’re working on, what you sell, etc. That way we can understand your situation before we talk and get right to business.

Answer these questions as accurately as possible, and be absolutely sure your contact information is correct so we can reach you.

STEP 1 – Here’s What Will Happen Next

you’ll see a brief series of questions you’ll need to answer about your business.

you’ll see a brief series of questions you’ll need to answer about your business.

Nothing too crazy, I just need the basics about what you’re working on, what you sell, etc. That way we can understand your situation before we talk and get right to business saving each other’s time.

Answer these questions as accurately as possible, and be absolutely sure your contact information is correct so we can reach you.

Once I have your “real person” deposit and your application, My assistant Anna (from my office) will email you to gather more information so we can accurately plan out how to grow your business.

Anna will then setup a call for you and I to connect and I’ll map out verbally what we can do for you on that call.

I’ve set aside some time from my office to personally go over your application and have a brief 30 min call (only for qualified entrepreneurs) for me to see if you would be a good fit for us to implement this into your business and become my private client…

You won’t talk to a salesperson, or a bored telemarketer paid a minimum salary to answer our phones, you will be talking to me personally…

Sure, that’s time consuming for me, but it’s the only way to guarantee that you get the absolute top service and that you truly are a good fit…

They’re all granted on a first come, first served basis…

If you are interested to see exactly how an 9 Exopsheric Pillars and a solid marketing campaign could improve your sales, generate you more clients, and increase your profitability, then all you need to do is to apply…

It’s nothing intrusive, takes about 1 minute to fill out and simply helps us prepare for our meeting together…

It has a few core questions we’d like you to answer, so I can understand you and your business, what stage you are at, and ultimately if you would be a good fit for this…

Please fill out this application completely with as much detail as possible…

If your application is approved, my assistant will contact you to schedule a phone interview between you and me…

At that point if you see the value in working together, great. We’ll talk and see if I’m able to take you on as a private client.

If you don’t want to move forward, that’s fine too.

I’ll return your deposit as soon as you hang up. No biggie.

If I take you on as a client and we end up working together then that deposit will go towards the commitment for us to start our new meaningful, lucrative, and growing relationship from here on out.