Secret Business Strategies to Add MILLIONS to Your Bottom Line

Written by
on March 7, 2018
| 3 mins 9 secs

Today I’m going to share the principles and strategies I use to add an average of $8.5 million to my clients’ companies’ bottom line.

You probably know that there’s a ton of different ways for you to grow your business online. There’s a sea of information out there on what you should focus on and what you should do. Here are the principles and strategies I focus on to add an average of $8.5 million to my clients’ companies’ bottom line.

The first thing I always focus on when I work with a business is to always focus on what’s working right now, amplifying it, and looking at what doesn’t work and doing less of it.

For example, one of the first core thing I look at when I work with a new company are the different analytics they have in place. Usually, it’s a mess, and all over the place. I use my PAS matrix and apply it to the business to learn exactly what’s happening with their numbers.

A lot of businesses spend a ton of money on things that don’t work and stick with because they’re getting some results. They might see an ROI from it, one to two, versus something that they see is working really well is getting a five to one return.

But even though that small thing is working a little bit, they still put more money into it. Even though it’s not the highest, best priority. So cut off the ones that aren’t working well. And focus on the ones that are working well.

The second thing that you want to focus on is that there are three core revenue pillars. The first core pillar is understanding the new revenue that comes into the business.

The second thing that you want to look at in the revenue pillar is recurring revenue. Recurring revenue means the products or services that customers are buying on an ongoing basis. You want to make sure that you are amplifying the recurring revenue.

The third focus is ascension revenue. Ascension revenue is customers who buy a product for $49 or $99 or even more and upgrade to buying a complimentary product or service or buying something that’s the next level up.

Next, you have to identify new revenue. It’s important to come up with a recurring revenue product, that can be offered to customers at a discounted rate and delivered on a recurring basis.

The third is ascension. When a customer buys a product, you want to be able to upsell or downsell them with more offers for other products.

You also want to focus on being able to drive more distribution and more traffic to your website. May times in scaling a business, a big factor is that they don’t have enough traffic.

You want to use tools like Buzzsumo, SimilarWeb, Ahrefs discover where your target audience is investing their time.

You also need to be able to convert more traffic once you’ve identified the best sources and turn those into leads and subscribers.

Whatever the added value offer you’re providing your customers, you want to identify it and keep repeating and adding to that value, so they keep coming back. Then you’re able to focus more on results and the challenges that your customers are experiencing.

You want to make sure you’re able to do that by converting your target audience once you have traffic into more leads and subscribers. You want to increase the conversion rate by adding more specific mediums and platforms for them.

Thanks for watching this episode on how I’m able to add an average of $8.5 million to the bottom line of my private partners and clients. Make sure you subscribe to my channel and also hit the bell icon, to get notified when we release new videos.


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